About Us Visitors Guide Tour Operators Meeting/Events

Annual Meeting Registration

“The Power of Travel”

MBVB’s Tourism Summit and Legislative Breakfast


March 27, 2025

7:45 Registration

8:00 Breakfast & Networking

8:30 – 11:30 Program

Warren Conference Center and Inn

Ashland, MA



Stacey David
MetroWest Boston Visitors Bureau Executive Director
Stacey will share visitor data on the State of the Region regarding tourism and hospitality, along with a recap of last year’s MBVB marketing results and this year’s plans for promoting MetroWest to various market segments…and how you can benefit.

Representative Priscila Sousa
6th Middlesex
Rep. Sousa will share her thoughts and insight on creating community in uncertain times.

Kate Fox
Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism Executive Director
An update on the domestic and international destination marketing strategies underway at the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism.

Sheila Green
MA 250th Anniversary Coordinator
Learn about the Commonwealth’s plans to commemorate and market the anniversary of the American Revolution, and how your organization can leverage those efforts to bring in visitors to your attraction or event…even if you’re not a history museum!

Panel: Experiential Tourism: Travel’s Shiny New Toy
The hottest trend in travel right now is experiential tourism. See examples from around the world, hear how our amazing panelists have hopped on this bandwagon to create activities and experiences that draw visitors in, and learn how you can do the same in your own business (even those that you think don’t lend themselves to classes or workshops!). Panelists: Hunter Chaney (American Heritage Museum), Evan Reseska (Boston Honey Company), and Carol Collord (Medway Community Farm).

The Impact of Tourism
While we all know (and love!) the economic impact of tourism, there are other impacts as well. This session will explore some of the other ways that visitors are influenced by the trips they take, and how you can leverage those impacts for your own organization.

Panel: The Power of Storytelling in Travel Marketing
Join us for a riveting panel discussion with the amazing Travel Editor of Yankee magazine, Kim Knox Beckius, and powerhouse duo Angela Prout and Marnely Murray from ShoredUp Digital who will share their insights, tips and tricks for garnering earned media and great influencer engagement through the power of storytelling. Learn to craft destination-driven content that converts!


Don’t miss the chance to win big with one of our fabulous Raffle Prizes at the event…each one is worth hundreds of $$!


Thank you to our sponsors!

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Interested in sponsoring our Annual Meeting? Learn more here or contact Stacey David at sdavid@metrowestvisitors.org.

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